Farmer for a day
Farmer Days
wonderful way to find out more about our animals at willow tree farm and how we look after them. Our special Farmer Days give you the chance to see how a real farm works and become a farmer for the day! Our Farmer Days have no age limit, we cater each one to the individual, so whether you're 8 years old or 48 years old, there's something for everyone to enjoy.
The day’s activities can be organized around the things you’re interested in. You will be with a member of staff all day who will help you with the activities and also take you to the animals which you are most interested in! This could be anything from collecting eggs from the hens, cleaning out the baby goats to bathing the tortoises and feeding the reptiles. working with reindeer meerkats and wallaby's
Lunch is included in the price, as are snacks/drinks for break times.
Full day Farmer Days cost £65 and last from 10am until 3.00pm.
please look out for these days on our ticket page we will list them on here for 2024 in spring
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To book please message us to check the date you would like to do the farmer day